Outside School Hours Care
Lady Gowrie Tasmania provides education and care for children from 5 to 12 years of age in safe, nurturing and flexible early learning environments. Qualified, experienced and passionate early childhood educators work in partnerships with families to develop play-based learning programs based on children’s developmental needs, interests and experiences.
Lady Gowrie Tasmania has a simple philosophy – ‘Children First’ – and is committed to providing the highest quality education and care for children to give them the best start in life. Our programs are designed to ensure children are happy, healthy and develop a love of learning. At Lady Gowrie Tasmania children are encouraged to reach their full potential and are at the centre of all practice.
Lady Gowrie Tasmania Outside School Hours Education and Care Services offer before school and after school care during school term time for children turning 5 to 12 years of age. These programs provide a relaxing transition between home and school and provide children with the opportunity to engage in meaningful recreation and learning experiences.
Lady Gowrie Tasmania Vacation Care Services operate during the school holiday periods at specific school locations and cater for children turning 5 to 12 years of age. These services offer fun and inspiring school holiday experiences designed to engage children’s curiosity, interests and skills.
Lady Gowrie Tasmania Outside School Hours Care enquiries, enrolments and bookings are managed online through the My Family Lounge portal.
Families interested in securing a place for the first time at a Lady Gowrie Tasmania Outside School Hours Care Service are asked to register their details via the My Family Lounge portal below and then follow the prompts to complete the online Enquiry Form.
Families with children currently attending a Lady Gowrie Tasmania Education and Care Service and would like to enquire about additional siblings attending, are asked to sign in to the My Family Lounge portal below and then follow the prompts to complete the online Enquiry Form. Vacation Care bookings can be made using the casual bookings section of My Family Lounge.
For further information about enrolling your child/ren in a Lady Gowrie Tasmania Outside School Hours Care program in Southern Tasmania, please email clusteradmin@gowrie-tas.com.au or phone 6230 6806 or 6230 6805.
For further information about enrolling your child/ren in a Lady Gowrie Tasmania Outside School Hours Care program in Northern Tasmania, please email oshcnorthmanager@gowrie-tas.com.au or phone 6331 5106.
We welcome and encourage families to visit a Lady Gowrie Tasmania Education and Care Service for a tour. Tours provide families with the opportunity to ask valuable questions, to meet our dedicated educators and to see our education and care programs in action.
Hours of operation and current fee schedules for Lady Gowrie Tasmania Outside School Hours Care Services are available from individual services. The Federal Government provides financial support to reduce the cost of education and care through the Child Care Subsidy. For further information about the Child Care Subsidy contact the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment on 136 150.
For further information about Lady Gowrie Tasmania Education and Care Services, the Child Care Subsidy or contact details please click on the links below.
‘Lady Gowrie is an integral part of our community. The staff are dedicated, nurturing and fully involved in my children’s learning. They are as much a part of the fabric of our school as the children they care for.’
Olivia – Parent