Lady Gowrie Child Centre (Hobart) Incorporated was established in July 1939 at the Battery Point site. The Centre was established by the then Commonwealth Government as a demonstration, training and best practice model for early childhood professionals across a range of multidisciplinary services – education, care and health.
At this time a Gowrie Child Centre was established in each Australian capital city in low socio-economic industrialised areas in an effort to improve poverty and poor health outcomes for children in these areas during and after the Second World War. The Gowrie Child Centres were nationally consistent in terms of architectural features, educational equipment and education programs for children and parents.
Her Excellency, The Lady Zara Gowrie, wife of the Governor General, was a strong advocate and supporter to the establishment of the Gowrie Child Centres and did much to bring about a quick approval of the scheme. Due to Lady Zara Gowrie’s dedication and inspiration, it was decided that each of the six centres would bear her name – The Lady Gowrie Child Centre. During the years 1939-1940, Her Excellency personally opened each of the Centres, including Lady Gowrie Child Centre Battery Point in July 1939.
Over the years the role of Gowrie has altered, however, the focus remains the same – supporting the education, care and well-being of young children and those who educate and care for them, their families and the broader community. The Chief Executive Officers of each Gowrie entity in Australia meet on a regular basis to network, develop proposals and submissions, and provide collegial support.
Similarly, educators from each Lady Gowrie connect regularly via technology to share research findings, to collaborate on best practice and innovation and undertake professional learning. Gowrie Australia publishes a quarterly early childhood magazine ‘Reflections’ which is distributed widely to the early childhood education and care sector and to government agencies and individuals.
Lady Gowrie Child Centres across Australia have changed significantly since their establishment and more specifically, Lady Gowrie Tasmania has grown into a multi-faceted organisation offering a range of services to the community. These services have been developed in response to community need and are delivered by a team of staff committed to providing quality programs to the community that promote the best outcomes for children, families and early to middle childhood professionals.
Lady Gowrie Tasmania’s name is synonymous with quality education and care and 2019 saw the milestone achievement of providing 80 years of quality education and care services to the Tasmanian community. Countless children and their families have been a part of the Lady Gowrie Tasmania story with many families using services across generations.
To learn more about our history and to view a copy of the Lady Gowrie Tasmania ‘Celebrating 80 Years: 1939 – 2019’ publication please click on the link at the bottom of this page.
‘Things come and go, but Lady Gowrie Tasmania doesn’t and that’s a really great thing. From where it started it’s really kept its focus on children. Right in the beginning it was for children and it still is!’
Lorraine – Former Employee
Organisational Profile
At Lady Gowrie Tasmania we put ‘Children First’ in all that we do.
Children in Tasmania can access the high quality, inclusive and safe education and care services and programs that they need.
We will continue to provide high quality, inclusive and safe education and care services and support programs to Tasmanian children.
We will be a leading employer in the sector with a focus on workforce capability, development and wellbeing.
We will advocate for children with influence across governments, sector and the community for the services children and their families need.
We will achieve our purpose through diverse high quality support services and programs that enable sustainability and continuous improvement through robust systems and processes.
Excellence, Quality, Respect, Trust, Ethics, Integrity, Stewardship, Innovation
Commitment to Child Safety
Lady Gowrie Tasmania (LGT) has a ‘Children First’ philosophy, supporting the rights of all children to grow, learn and play in a safe place. LGT has zero tolerance towards abuse, neglect or exploitation of children combined with a strong commitment to the health and wellbeing of both children and our team. LGT strives to provide a safe and inclusive environment across our services, programs and workplaces, where diversity in all its forms, including strengths, cultural background, identity and abilities are recognised and celebrated.
Commitment to Reconciliation
Lady Gowrie Tasmania acknowledges the Tasmanian Aboriginal peoples as the custodians of these lands and honour the wisdom of, and pay respect to, Elders past and present. With gratitude, we acknowledge the rich landscape of lutruwita, the living culture of Aboriginal peoples and recognise that they have been nurturing and teaching children on this land for thousands of years. We honour and respect their continuing connection to land, sea, waterways, sky and culture.
Lady Gowrie Tasmania’s vision is for a reconciled and united Australia through;
- a genuine commitment for reconciliation to come to life in our services and programs
- fostering equality and equity
- culturally inclusive programs and curriculum
- development of deep knowledge and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and histories.
Lady Gowrie Tasmania acknowledges the history of Australia and specifically lutruwita/Tasmania and its impact upon past, present and future generations. By listening, learning and sharing our stories, we will deepen our understanding and celebrate Tasmanian Aboriginal cultures and engage in authentic community consultation to develop genuine partnerships.
Lady Gowrie Tasmania will actively work to deepen the organisation’s cultural awareness, responsiveness and competence, and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples through advocating against racism and discrimination. Lady Gowrie Tasmania’s corporate governance will support the organisation to achieve our commitment to action and help us to work towards a united future.
Governance and Management
Lady Gowrie Tasmania is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors. The Board is the legal entity and as such is responsible for the overall direction of the organisation. Board Members are selected for their skills, knowledge and experience. The Board of Directors are committed to good corporate governance and adhere to the legal, fiscal and mandatory duties of an incorporated association.
The Annual General Meeting of the Organisation is conducted in November each year to report the activities of the organisation and to distribute the audited financial reports. The current Board of Directors listing is displayed at all sites. The Senior Leadership Team, led by the Chief Executive Officer, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organisation.
Strategic Plan
In 2024, the Board and Senior Leadership Team developed LGT’s strategic direction and vision for the next five years. The Strategic Plan 2024-28 sets out our purpose, our vision, our values and is structured around four clear priorities that will drive our work and underpin the development of operational plans and budget processes.